You look out towards your people. You have the power now to control them like your puppets. Before you became king you had good intentions for your people but now with all this power you hold in your hands you forget about those intentions, you forget about your people and now looking down at them you see people, people that do as you wish. Everyone wants power; from wanting to make the rules to deciding someone’s fate everyone dreams of having some. Men will fight for power; they will do whatever it takes for it. Yet man wasn’t born for power. Power is man’s strength and weakness. No matter who you are you want power but will only be corrupted because of it.
George Orwell, author of Animal Farm, shows us an example of humans with too much power only using animals instead. In Animal Farm the animals of the farm take over the humans and three pigs, all hungry for power, step up to take charge. They pigs say that all animals are created equal yet they get most of the harvest, the most comfortable spots in the barn, and have followers that will do anything for them. Soon Napoleon chases out Snowball ,another of the pigs, and Napoleon steps up as leader of the animals. All the other animal s soon see that Napoleon is corrupted by power. He is turning into what they swore they wouldn’t become. The animals soon see that the path they started out with just circled back to where they started.
The Russian revolution is where Animal Farm begins. Every character in Animal Farm represents someone from the revolution. At the start of the revolution Karl Marx introduces the idea of communism like how Old Major, a pig who died at the beginning of the novel, introduces Animalism to all the animals on the farm. This idea sounded great to everyone; the idea of everyone being equal, sharing everything, sounded too good to be true! It was. Czar, king, Nicholas wasn’t a good ruler for this new idea so the townspeople gathered and killed him and his whole family. Then three leaders stepped up to take charge. Each leader had followers that did as they were told. Yet again power was too much for the three leaders and instead of turning into communism, where everyone is equal, it turned out to be follow me or you will die type of government. Power is too much for anyone, even those who had a path they wanted to follow.
With power nothing turns out the way you want it. They will always think that they may do as they wish and will soon not have another care in the world, except keeping their power for themselves. Not sharing ideas on how to use it can lead to a mercenary rule. While you look down at your people you see nothing wrong; you have power and everything you wanted while your people starve. Yet when your people look at you they see nothing but corruption in your mind. Corruption can lead to many things but most of them end up in living the rest of your life in a shadow .